
  • Juni
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)

  • Desember
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)

  • Juni
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)

  • Desember
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)

  • Juni
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)

    Artikel jurnal Edisi Vol. 5 No. 1 yang telah terbit pada bulan Juni 2022 hilang karena belum selesainya proses migrasi dari alamat web lama ke web yang baru . Proses migrasi tersebut juga mengalami kendala saat upgrade dari PHP 5 ke PHP 7 sehingga alamat web jurnal yang baru belum bisa digunakan untuk sumbit artikel, sehingga terpaksa kami menggunakan kembali alamat web yang lama yaitu  . Oleh karena itu, kami akan mengupload ulang artikel Vol. 5 No. 1 (Juni 2022) dan sekaligus menerbitkan artikel Vol. 5 No.21 (Desember 2022) di alamat web yang lama tersebut, sambil menunggu web yang baru bisa digunakan kembali. Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya

  • Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)

    Journal of Education Technology and Inovation only publishes original manuscripts. Each submitted manuscript must be a manuscript that has not been published or is being reviewed elsewhere. The author himself is fully responsible for this. All manuscripts must be uploaded via the online system. Authors can track their manuscripts through this system. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors waive and introduce all copyright to the journal. However, the legal and ethical responsibility of the manuscript belongs to the author. All submitted manuscripts are initially run editorially before starting the peer-review procedure. If the manuscript lacks review criteria, the journal will be returned to the author. Because JETI only accepts manuscripts in English; therefore, non-native English speakers need to obtain manuscripts that have been corrected by native English speakers before submission. All manuscripts submitted for review must be free of language errors and strictly in accordance with the latest APA style edition and have not been submitted to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation; otherwise they will not be considered for a visit. The author is solely responsible for complying with the rules and checking for any errors. When manuscripts conform to the instructions for the author, they are sent to at least two referees. In light of the referee's comments, the relevant editor makes the final decision. Once accepted, a pdf version of the manuscript is sent to the author for correction. The author may need to make some minor changes to the manuscript. They, then, must return this version to the editorial office within 72 hours.

  • Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

    Journal of Education Technology and Inovation only publishes original manuscripts. Each submitted manuscript must be a manuscript that has not been published or is being reviewed elsewhere. The author himself is fully responsible for this. All manuscripts must be uploaded via the online system. Authors can track their manuscripts through this system. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors waive and introduce all copyright to the journal. However, the legal and ethical responsibility of the manuscript belongs to the author. All submitted manuscripts are initially run editorially before starting the peer-review procedure. If the manuscript lacks review criteria, the journal will be returned to the author. Because JETI only accepts manuscripts in English; therefore, non-native English speakers need to obtain manuscripts that have been corrected by native English speakers before submission. All manuscripts submitted for review must be free of language errors and strictly in accordance with the latest APA style edition and have not been submitted to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation; otherwise they will not be considered for a visit. The author is solely responsible for complying with the rules and checking for any errors. When manuscripts conform to the instructions for the author, they are sent to at least two referees. In light of the referee's comments, the relevant editor makes the final decision. Once accepted, a pdf version of the manuscript is sent to the author for correction. The author may need to make some minor changes to the manuscript. They, then, must return this version to the editorial office within 72 hours.

  • Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)

    Journal of Education Technology and Inovation only publishes original manuscripts. Each submitted manuscript must be a manuscript that has not been published or is being reviewed elsewhere. The author himself is fully responsible for this. All manuscripts must be uploaded via the online system. Authors can track their manuscripts through this system. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors waive and introduce all copyright to the journal. However, the legal and ethical responsibility of the manuscript belongs to the author. All submitted manuscripts are initially run editorially before starting the peer-review procedure. If the manuscript lacks review criteria, the journal will be returned to the author. Because JETI only accepts manuscripts in English; therefore, non-native English speakers need to obtain manuscripts that have been corrected by native English speakers before submission. All manuscripts submitted for review must be free of language errors and strictly in accordance with the latest APA style edition and have not been submitted to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation; otherwise they will not be considered for a visit. The author is solely responsible for complying with the rules and checking for any errors. When manuscripts conform to the instructions for the author, they are sent to at least two referees. In light of the referee's comments, the relevant editor makes the final decision. Once accepted, a pdf version of the manuscript is sent to the author for correction. The author may need to make some minor changes to the manuscript. They, then, must return this version to the editorial office within 72 hours.

  • Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)

    Journal of Education Technology and Inovation only publishes original manuscripts. Each submitted manuscript must be a manuscript that has not been published or is being reviewed elsewhere. The author himself is fully responsible for this. All manuscripts must be uploaded via the online system. Authors can track their manuscripts through this system. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors waive and introduce all copyright to the journal. However, the legal and ethical responsibility of the manuscript belongs to the author. All submitted manuscripts are initially run editorially before starting the peer-review procedure. If the manuscript lacks review criteria, the journal will be returned to the author. Because JETI only accepts manuscripts in English; therefore, non-native English speakers need to obtain manuscripts that have been corrected by native English speakers before submission. All manuscripts submitted for review must be free of language errors and strictly in accordance with the latest APA style edition and have not been submitted to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation; otherwise they will not be considered for a visit. The author is solely responsible for complying with the rules and checking for any errors. When manuscripts conform to the instructions for the author, they are sent to at least two referees. In light of the referee's comments, the relevant editor makes the final decision. Once accepted, a pdf version of the manuscript is sent to the author for correction. The author may need to make some minor changes to the manuscript. They, then, must return this version to the editorial office within 72 hours.

  • Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)

    Journal of Education Technology and Inovation only publishes original manuscripts. Each submitted manuscript must be a manuscript that has not been published or is being reviewed elsewhere. The author himself is fully responsible for this. All manuscripts must be uploaded via the online system. Authors can track their manuscripts through this system. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors waive and introduce all copyright to the journal. However, the legal and ethical responsibility of the manuscript belongs to the author. All submitted manuscripts are initially run editorially before starting the peer-review procedure. If the manuscript lacks review criteria, the journal will be returned to the author. Because JETI only accepts manuscripts in English; therefore, non-native English speakers need to obtain manuscripts that have been corrected by native English speakers before submission. All manuscripts submitted for review must be free of language errors and strictly in accordance with the latest APA style edition and have not been submitted to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation; otherwise they will not be considered for a visit. The author is solely responsible for complying with the rules and checking for any errors. When manuscripts conform to the instructions for the author, they are sent to at least two referees. In light of the referee's comments, the relevant editor makes the final decision. Once accepted, a pdf version of the manuscript is sent to the author for correction. The author may need to make some minor changes to the manuscript. They, then, must return this version to the editorial office within 72 hours.

  • Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)

    Journal of Education Technology and Inovation only publishes original manuscripts. Each submitted manuscript must be a manuscript that has not been published or is being reviewed elsewhere. The author himself is fully responsible for this. All manuscripts must be uploaded via the online system. Authors can track their manuscripts through this system. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors waive and introduce all copyright to the journal. However, the legal and ethical responsibility of the manuscript belongs to the author. All submitted manuscripts are initially run editorially before starting the peer-review procedure. If the manuscript lacks review criteria, the journal will be returned to the author. Because JETI only accepts manuscripts in English; therefore, non-native English speakers need to obtain manuscripts that have been corrected by native English speakers before submission. All manuscripts submitted for review must be free of language errors and strictly in accordance with the latest APA style edition and have not been submitted to any of the journal reviewers for evaluation; otherwise they will not be considered for a visit. The author is solely responsible for complying with the rules and checking for any errors. When manuscripts conform to the instructions for the author, they are sent to at least two referees. In light of the referee's comments, the relevant editor makes the final decision. Once accepted, a pdf version of the manuscript is sent to the author for correction. The author may need to make some minor changes to the manuscript. They, then, must return this version to the editorial office within 72 hours.