About the Journal

JETI : Journal of Education Technology & Inovation is a scientific journal which publishes and disseminates the results of researches, deep studies, innovative thinking or work in educational technology. The focus of the journal is innovative works on the development of educational multimedia and e-learning which are effective in giving positive contributions to schools and educational institutions.

Aim scope

  1. The Journal of Educational Technology and Innovation (JETI) publishes scientific papers that concentrate on teaching and learning science in school environments from early childhood to higher education as well as workplaces and informal learning, related to science education. Therefore, the aim is to link research with practice by providing information, ideas, opinions and insights. The JETI Journal welcomes contributions from around the world.
  2. In seeking research to publish, JETI looks for manuscripts that will contribute and advance our knowledge in science education research rather than duplicating what is already done and known. Therefore, JETI is also interested in publishing valid and original research that discusses the new capabilities of science learning/teaching and innovative practices in science learning/teaching.
  3. JETI specifically emphasizes research in educational practice and scholastic reality in schools up to university level. JETI may be directly concerned with science education, but also welcomes manuscripts in the field of interdisciplinary research, the journal focuses on.
  4. Character Education
  5. Educational Problems and Policies
  6. Special Needs Education (Students Disabilities)
  7. Curriculum
  8. Educational Management and Leadership
  9. Media and Learning Models
  10. Multicultural Education
  11. Early childhood education
  12. Basic education
  13. Junior secondary education
  14. Upper secondary education
  15. Higher Education
  16. Formal and non-formal education


Peer Review Process

The article submitted to Journal of Education Technology and Inovation will be reviewed by at least one reviewer and one peer-reviewer.
The decision made for the article is the result of the Editorial Board’s agreement based on the suggestions proposed by the reviewer(s) and peer-reviewer(s).
Plagiarism scanning will be conducted with the help of Google Scholar and an Anti Plagiarism Software.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Ethics

  1. The manuscript presents complete and original information as well as objective data.
  2. Quotation source and reference cited in the manuscript must be informed.
  3. The manuscript is written concisely and clearly for efficiency.
  4. The manuscript is, at the same time, not being sent to and has never been published by another journal.
  5. Everyone involved in the research (students & supervisors) should be included in the team of writers.
  6. A writer who passed away should be included as a co-author.
  7. Authors must avoid fabrication (make up the data and results of a study).
  8. Authors must avoid falsification (manipulating research materials, equipment, process, changing the data or intentionally discarding data or results).
  9. Authors should avoid Plagiarism (taking ideas, processes, results or words without citing the sources).
  10. Authors should avoid Fragmentation (breaking research data into different themes of manuscript so that the discussion cannot become in-depth)
  11. The manuscript should not use copied materials from another article without permission.
  12. All materials/quotation earned from previous research, involving similar writers related to previous publications must be cited properly.