Peer Review Process

JECIE (Journal of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education) published by Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Study Program (PG PAUD) IKIP PGRI Jember. The research article submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed. Every article that goes to the editorial staff will be selected through Initial Review processes by Editorial Board. Then, the articles will be sent to the Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Blind Preview Process. After that, the articles will be returned to the authors to revise. These processes take two months for maximum time. In each manuscript, Mitra Bestari/ peer reviewer will be rated from the substantial and technical aspects. Mitra Bestari/ peer reviewer that collaboration with Counseling is the experts in the Early Childhood Education area and issues around it. They were experienced in the prestigious journal management and publication that was spread around the nation and abroad.

About this Publishing System

This journal uses Open Journal Systems 3, which is an open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License.