Rerefence Management
Management Reference
Writing articles in SPEED: Journal of Special Education needs to pay attention to the following guidelines:
- Articles are original products that have never been published.
- Articles in the form of educational research results.
- Articles written in Indonesian, or English with a space of 11/2 A4 paper size of approximately 15-20 pages by using the 12th time new roman font.
- Articles are typed using a Microsoft Word program that is shipped with File / CD.
- Writing framework includes abstract, keyword, introduction, problem, methodology, discussion, and cover.
- Author's name and identity are listed under the title.
- Abstract contains the core of the problem is made in Indonesian or English, as many as 150-200 words, pre-preliminary place, typed italic, times new romance, font size 12, distance 1 space.
- Keywords written in Indonesian or English, placed under abstract, consisting of 2 to 5 words.
- The article uses endnotes with the following conditions: author name, comma, title of reference (italic), volume (if any), open parentheses, place of publication, colon, publisher name, comma, year of rise, parenthesis, coma, , with the following conditions:
- Certainty of loading or rejection of the manuscript will be notified on a regular basis