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Author Guidelines
The Author’s Guideline of ESTIMATOR : Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Science
1. Introduction
ESTIMATOR : Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Sciennce is a National Scientific Journal published by the Statistic Department, Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember.
2. How to Write the Title, the Name, and the Author’s Address
The title of the manuscript should be placed at the top of the first page and should be written with center text alignment. Below the title, the author's name (without including academic degrees) and the author's affiliation address should also be written with center text alignment. Ensure there is a two-line space between the title and the author's name. Additionally, there should be a one-line space between the author's affiliation address and the abstract title. Keywords must be written below the overall abstract, arranged in alphabetical order, and separated by semicolons, with a maximum of three to five words. Furthermore, if the article title is written in Bahasa Indonesia, it should also be provided in English, as illustrated in the example above.
3. General Guidelines for Manuscript Submission:
Originality and Plagiarism:
- The manuscript must present original research results that have not been published in any other media or publishing houses. This ensures that the research presented is a new and unique contribution to its field.
- The manuscript must be completely free of plagiarism. The editorial board will directly reject any manuscript that shows signs of plagiarism, as maintaining academic integrity is a top priority.
There are no fees for both the submission and publication processes. We ensure that no additional charges are incurred by authors for submission or publication. -
Submission Process:
Manuscripts, prepared according to ESTIMATOR (Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Science) guidelines and in MS Word format (using the provided article template), should be submitted through the Online Submission System on the ESTIMATOR E-journal portal (https://jurnal.unipar.ac.id/index.php/estimator). Authors should select only one procedure and register as either an author or reviewer by clicking the “Register” button. -
Guidelines and Templates:
Manuscript writing guidelines and the necessary template can be downloaded here. Please follow these guidelines carefully to ensure your manuscript meets the required standards. -
Compliance with Guidelines:
Manuscripts that do not adhere to ESTIMATOR’s writing guidelines will be returned to the author for revision before the review process begins. This is to ensure that all manuscripts meet the desired quality standards. -
Manuscript Structure:
The manuscript should include several essential components of a scientific article, which are: (a) Title of the article, (b) Author’s name (without academic titles), (c) Author’s affiliation address, (d) Author’s email, (e) Abstract and keywords, (f) Introduction, (g) Research method, (h) Research findings and discussion, (i) Conclusion, and (j) References. -
Subtitles and Formatting:
Subtitles in the discussion section (Introduction, Theoretical Review, Writing Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion) should be numbered in Arabic numerals starting from one. Subtitles should be in bold and title case, aligned to the left without underlining. Expanded subtitles should be in bold and sentence case, aligned to the left, and use level two numbering. -
Language and Length:
Manuscripts may be written in either Bahasa Indonesia or English. The manuscript should be between four (4) and fifteen (15) pages, including figures and tables. The manuscript must follow the format specified in the article template. The document should be in A4 size (210x297 mm) with custom margins: left 25 mm, right 20 mm, bottom 20 mm, and top 30 mm. -
Text Formatting:
- The manuscript text should be in Times New Roman, 12pt font size, with 1 line-spacing, and formatted in two columns (except for the main title, author’s name, and abstract) with a 10 mm space between columns.
- Words from foreign or uncommon languages should be italicized. For manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia, the use of foreign terms or words should be minimized. Each paragraph should start 10 mm from the left margin, with no spaces between paragraphs. All numbers should be in Arabic numerals, except at the beginning of sentences.
Tables and Figures:
Tables and figures should be placed in the text immediately following their reference. Each figure must have a caption (Figure Caption) below it, numbered in Arabic numerals followed by the figure title. Each table must have a table title (Table Caption) above it, numbered in Arabic numerals followed by the table title. Ensure that figures and tables are clear and printable (with legible font size, resolution, and line spacing). Figures, tables, and charts should be centered between text groups; if larger, they may be centered on the page. Tables should not contain vertical lines; horizontal lines are allowed only to emphasize important points.
4. Guidelines for Manuscript Body Text
Title of the Manuscript:
The title of the manuscript should be informative, concise, and clearly convey the core of the manuscript. It should not lead to multiple interpretations or ambiguity and must accurately reflect the specific issues to be discussed in the article. The title should begin with a capital letter and be formatted symmetrically to appear balanced and professional. Avoid using uncommon abbreviations, as they may confuse readers. The main ideas should be presented first, followed by detailed explanations that support these ideas. The title should not exceed fifteen words to maintain clarity and brevity. The title must be formatted in 12pt font size, bolded, and centered on the page to ensure optimal visibility. The abstract that follows the title should be concise, with a maximum of 200 words, and should be followed by three to five relevant keywords that describe the content of the article.
The introduction must provide a brief and coherent background, including the context and relevance of the topic discussed. The literature review (state of the art) should present recent developments in the field and explain how the research contributes to existing knowledge. This section should clearly and systematically state the new research question to be addressed, outline the main research problems, and present the hypothesis being tested. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the article should be explicitly stated. Unlike research reports that might include references throughout the text, in a scientific article format, references should be included in the literature review to highlight the novelty of the article.
Research Methods:
The research methods section should describe in detail the approaches and techniques used to address the research problem. This includes a thorough description of the analytical methods applied and how these methods were utilized to answer the research questions. The explanation should be detailed enough for readers to understand and, if necessary, replicate the study. This section should provide a clear outline of the steps taken, tools or instruments used, and procedures followed during the research.
Discussion and Results:
This section should present the research findings in detail and discuss their significance and implications. The results should be supported by sufficient and relevant data to strengthen the arguments. The discussion should relate the findings to the hypotheses and objectives outlined in the introduction. It should include an in-depth interpretation of how the results answer the research questions and contribute to existing knowledge in the field.
The conclusion is the final section that summarizes the key findings and provides recommendations. It should directly address the hypotheses, research objectives, and findings. This section should go beyond merely repeating the results and discussion, offering a comprehensive synthesis of the research findings in relation to the stated objectives or hypotheses. Recommendations should provide insights for further research or practical applications based on the study's findings.
The references section must list all sources cited in the article. References should primarily come from primary sources, such as scientific journals, with at least 80% of references published in the last ten years to ensure relevance and currency. Each manuscript should include a minimum of ten references to support the arguments and findings presented.
5. Guidelines for Citations and References
All data or quotes in the article that are taken from other authors' works must include the source references. The references should be managed using a reference management application such as Mendeley. The writing format used in ESTIMATOR (Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Science) adheres to the format applied by the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association).
To ensure academic integrity and proper attribution, it is essential that every piece of data or direct quote from external sources is accurately cited. The reference management application, such as Mendeley, not only helps in organizing the references but also ensures that the citations are in the correct format as per the guidelines. By following the APA 6th Edition format, authors can maintain consistency and reliability in their references, which is critical for scholarly communication.
6. Guidelines for Literature Reviews
Literature reviews should also use a reference management application such as Mendeley. The writing format used in JECIE STIMATOR (Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Science) adheres to the format applied by the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association).
The literature review section is pivotal in situating your research within the existing body of knowledge. Using a reference management application like Mendeley will facilitate the organization of your sources and ensure that your citations are accurate and consistent. Adhering to the APA 6th Edition format in your literature review ensures that your work meets the standards of clarity and uniformity required in academic writing. This practice not only supports the credibility of your research but also assists readers in locating the original sources of information.
7. Online Submission Manuscript Guidelines
The manuscript text must be submitted through one of two systems (with the second procedure being more preferable for efficiency and convenience):
Firstly, the document should be submitted through the Online Submission System available on the ESTIMATOR (Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Science) E-journal portal. This online submission process is designed to facilitate authors in submitting their manuscripts effectively and efficiently.
To begin, authors must first register as either an author or reviewer (by selecting the appropriate role) in the “Register” section on the portal. This registration step is crucial to ensure that the author or reviewer is listed in the system and can proceed to the next steps.
Once the registration step is completed, the author should log into their account as an author and click on “New Submission” to initiate the article submission process. The article submission stage consists of five sequential steps: (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, (4) Upload Supplementary Files, (5) Confirmation.
In the first step, “Start,” the author must select the appropriate Journal Section (Full Article) and ensure that all checklists are marked to meet the submission requirements.
In the second step, “Upload Submission,” the author must upload the manuscript files in MS Word format in the designated column. This format is chosen to facilitate the editing and review process.
In the third step, “Enter Metadata,” the author must fill in all the required information, including author details and affiliations, as well as the article title, abstract, and relevant indexing keywords. Accurate and complete metadata is essential for the identification and indexing of the article.
In the fourth step, “Upload Supplementary Files,” the author is allowed to upload additional supporting files, such as a statement letter or any other relevant supplementary data. These additional files can provide context or further information pertinent to the research.
In the final step, “Confirmation,” the author must ensure that all entered data is correct and complete. Once verified, the author can click “Finish Submission” to complete the submission process.
If the author encounters any difficulties or challenges during the submission process through the online system, they can contact the ESTIMATOR (Journal of Applied Statistics, Mathematics, and Data Science) editorial team for assistance and further guidance.
8. Submission Preparation Checklist
Before submitting the article, ensure that it is free from any elements of plagiarism and other copyright infringements. Articles containing plagiarism or violating copyright will be directly rejected by the editorial board.
Make sure that the submitted article has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal. If there are exceptions, the author must provide an adequate explanation in the Comments to the Editor section.
The manuscript file should be prepared in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document formats. These formats are chosen to facilitate the editing and review process by the editorial team.
If references have available URLs, ensure that these URLs are included to facilitate verification and access to the original sources.
The text of the article should be single-spaced and use a 12-point font size. Italics are preferred over underlining, except for URL addresses. All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at appropriate points to allow readers to easily understand the context.
The text must adhere to all the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to ensure consistency and professionalism in the publication.