Peranan Nilai Pancasila Terhadap Kerukunan Antar Perguruan Pencak Silat Di Kabupaten Jember
: Pencak silat, Pancasila, institutionAbstract
Pencak silat is a traditional martial art originating from Indonesia. Each region has a variety of martial arts schools of pencak silat. Including the famous martial arts in Jember district, there are many kinds. martial arts college in Jember Regency. This is often involved in conflicts that cause material losses to cause fatalities. Based on the above background, the focus set by the researcher is "Pancasila as the nation's ideology towards harmony between pencak silat universities in Jember district (Studies in Silat Colleges in Jember district)". This study aims to determine the dynamics of conflict between universities in Jember Regency. This research is a research that uses a qualitative method with a descriptive type of research. The subject of this research is focused on members of the pencak silat college, college residents, and elders of the silat college in Jember district. Informant selection technique using purposive. In collecting data, namely by using observations, interviews, and document studies. Based on the results of the research, it is known that the conflict between the silat colleges in Jember district is the action of unscrupulous members of the silat college on behalf of the college and involving the college group. The nature of competition and mutual existence that exists between members of this college causes conflict between the two universities, so that a trivial problem can trigger a big conflict. The conflict between the two universities not only caused losses for the members of the universities involved, but also brought losses to the pencak silat college.
Keywords: Pencak silat; Pancasila; institution.